T.rex_scan v0.2 – Integrate Tools to Audit Web Sites

T.rex_scan v0.2 – Integrate Tools to Audit Web Sites

T.rex_scan only facilitates the visualization when auditing a web page. With this script you can optimize your time, reducing the time you audit a page web since T.rex_scan executes the task you indicate and filters the results.

Combining different tools you can:

  • Shows vulnerabilities of the audited page
  • Launch a port scan
  • Shows the CVEs associated with the vulnerabilities of the page
  • Search for emails associated with the domain
  • Shows the IP address and hosting server location

This script makes use of and depends on the following tools for its operation:

  • WPScan v2.9.3
  • Nmap v7.60
  • Theharvester v2.7
  • WhatWeb v0.4.9
  • Colorama
  • tqdm


git clone https://github.com/davenisc/T.rex_scan/tree/0.2
cd T.rex_scan
pip install -r requirements.txt
python T.rex_scan.py
option 5 for more details of T.rex_scan

More information: here

[button size=large style=round color=red align=none url=https://github.com/davenisc/T.rex_scan/tree/0.2]Download T.rex_scan v0.2[/button]

Thanks to DaveNISC for sharing this tool with us.


www.artssec.com @maxisoler