A good start for Web Services Pentesting

OWASP Web Services Security Project is designed to serve as a starting point for any web services related inquiries on OWASP. Please note that this is NOT a standalone project and will draw upon relevant resources from other OWASP and external pages.


The OWASP Web Services Security Project aims to include and maintain a comprehensive list of links to OWASP and external resources.

Web Services Security

OWASP related Web Services links:

[1] OWASP Web Services – A comprehensive introduction to Web Services.

[2] There is More to Securing Web Services Systems Than WS Security – Insightful page on Web Services Security.

[3] .NET Web Service Validation – .NET approach to validating Web Services.

NJ Ouchn

"Passion is needed for any great work, and for the revolution, passion and audacity are required in big doses"