Top 10 Database Vulnerabilities and Misconfigurations


TeamSHATTER (Security Heuristics of Application Testing Technology for Enterprise Research) has researched the Top 10 Database Vulnerabilities in order to provide you with the most up-to-date vulnerabilities, risk and remediation information.

Each category has a post explaining the topic and providing you with best practices for remediating the following issues. Please leave us a comment if you have any questions about these vulnerabilities or run a search with the Threat Finder to learn more about your vulnerabilities.

  1. Default, Blank & Weak Username/Password
  2. SQL Injections in the DBMS
  3. Excessive User & Group Privilege
  4. Unnecessary Enabled Database Features
  5. Broken Configuration Management
  6. Buffer Overflows
  7. Privilege Escalation
  8. Denial of Service Attack DoS
  9. Unpatched Databases
  10. Unencrypted sensitive data

NJ Ouchn

"Passion is needed for any great work, and for the revolution, passion and audacity are required in big doses"